How do you notify me when my information is at risk?
We are continuously monitoring the personal information you upload to CheckMyWeb. If we find a match to data we believe is yours, either on the public or dark web, we will send you an alert both by email and to your dashboard. The dashboard updates in real-time and each alert will also contain recommended actions on how to remove such data.
What if I think an Alert is not relevant or has already been addressed?
In some cases there may be alerts that are not relevant to you or active threats (we call these false positives). In the Alert page, you can select ‘Mark as resolved’ checkbox and the alert will automatically move the Alert into Resolved Alerts page.
Can I change my email for my Alert notifications?
Yes, this can be done in your Profile page.
How long does it take to see results? Is my data monitored 24/7?
All registered data will be fully monitored within 24 hours. When a registered asset has been found then an Alert notification is sent out in almost real time.
What does the Online Risk graphic tell me?
This is your 'Riskometer' and gives you an indication of overall risk from Low, Medium to High based on number and severity of Alert notifications you've received. For example Financial data is automatically recorded as a High status, although other factors like exposure date are also taken into account. You can change Alerts that you feel are not relevant or out of date, this is good practice because the Riskometer will update to reflect your reduced risk. It also keeps your Alert feed clear and easy to manage and will boost your personal Cyber Score.
How / Where can I register my personal and financial data for protection?
Your Personal data can be registered in “My Data”; we have 3 categories covering 9 asset types and over (Email & Personal details, Financial details and Documents and IDs) covering everything from Addresses, Payment Cards to Passport numbers. To provide yourself the best protection & boost your Personal Cyber Score please protect as many assets in as many categories as you can.
I can´t register any data? What´s wrong?
Personal data can be registered in My Data, hopefully your issue was temporary please try again or contact customer services for further assistance on customerservice@check-my-web.com.
How do you back up and protect my data?
We store data in various data stores like Postgres, MongoDB and DataVault. Information stored here is encrypted. Only the last 4 digits of the card information in stored. All sensitive information (bank accounts, credit cards etc) is hashed using SHA-256. And for the non-sensitive information, we use RSA as the encryption mechanism.
How do you monitor my personal and financial data?
We are constantly monitoring the personal information you've provided and if we find a match to data we believe is yours, we will send you an Alert notification email. The dashboard updates in real-time and each alert will also contain recommended actions.
What is my "digital footprint"?
A digital footprint is an electronic trail of data you create while using the Internet and can include websites visited, emails sent, online forms & checkouts and any information you submit or publish to online services. A passive digital footprint is a data trail you unintentionally leave online.
I have unknown payments against my bank account or payment card, what should I do?
First check - sometimes the company name appearing on payment records is different from the URL or the website name you would be familiar with. If suspicious, contact your bank or card provider as soon as possible and they will assist you with the next steps. If your financial information has been found on the Dark and Deep Web, please contact the relevant provider as they may instruct you to cancel your cards or put extra security in place on your account. If you saved the Card as a stored payment method in online shops, remove it immediately. Check your bank statements for illegitimate transactions in the next few weeks.
I receive invoices and reminders for purchases that I have not even made - what should I do?
If goods were ordered or services were paid for with your information, you should immediately notify the seller and the police. They may assist you in clarifying the matter and prevent any further trouble. Also change your access data, e.g. for online shops. If applicable, tell your neighbour not to accept any shipments in your name or give them to unknown parties on your behalf.
Loss of card - what should I do?
If your debit or credit card is lost or stolen, it should be cancelled immediately by contacting the card provider. If the card was stolen, you should also file a report with the police. Check your bank statements for illegitimate transactions in the next few weeks.
My email account was hacked - what should I do?
Please change your password immediately (make sure the password is strong e.g. just like the complexity rules recommended by this CheckMyWeb Platform).
Some of my ID documents have been lost or stolen?
If your passport or driver's licence etc has been lost or stolen, report the loss to the relevant government office immediately for your own protection. Contact the police if you feel that your ID documents have been misused (ask for and keep any incident number).
What does Identity Theft mean?
Identity Theft is the act of gaining unauthorised access to personal information whereas Identity Fraud is the act of pretending to be someone else (via using their data), usually for financial gain.
How do I get a new personal password?
You can use the "Reset Password" option as many times as you like. Please note that we will always require strong passwords of a certain length that combines alphanumeric characters.
How do I create a safe password?
Our platform will always require strong passwords, which will require them to be of a certain length and contain alphanumeric characters. This is the best recommendation and should be used for all your login credentials if you do not use a password management tool that suggests complex passwords.
How can I be reminded of my password?
We do not use Password reminders, instead we advise all users to use a Password Reset to simply choose a new password.
How did XXX website get my information (I am very careful)?
There could be several reasons. Pre-GDPR it was common for companies to share and buy peoples contact information for offline use e.g. direct mail or for online use. Some personal information in the public domain was sometimes also re-published. Unfortunately no-one can remove your data from the Deep and Dark web however you can take necessary steps to help mitigate the risks.
Is my data safe with your company?
Given the nature of this platform we employ very advanced security protocols which are tested and reviewed regularly.
Do you access the information I have recorded?
No we don’t and your asset data is encrypted. We have secure processes in place to resolve production related issues that impacts the availability or the security of the systems. Our infrastructure is auto provisioned, which means access is required only for issue resolution. All access to our systems is logged and audited.
What should I do if my personal or financial information appears on the Internet.
If your information is found on the web then we can provide you the source of the breach along with general recommendations and necessary steps to help mitigate the risks.
What can I do if an e-mail from you requests personal data from me?
We will never request personal data from you via email and any email requesting this should be deleted immediately.
Who can use CheckMyWeb?
Membership is reserved for adult consumers that are at least 18 years old and resident of the United Kingdom. It is personal and non-transferable.
The Member must be the holder of the bank card whose details are provided when joining the Service (or updated by the Member after joining) for the purposes of settling monthly membership fees for the Service.
The Member must be the holder of the bank card whose details are provided when joining the Service (or updated by the Member after joining) for the purposes of settling monthly membership fees for the Service.
How much does membership cost?
The cost of the membership for CheckMyWeb depends on the offer accepted during enrolment. The cost is visible in the members “View Profile” page as well as emails sent by CheckMyWeb during the subscription to the Service.
How does CheckMyWeb keep in touch with members?
Every new member will receive a Welcome email on the day that they sign up. If you are a member, we would have sent this to the email address you provided when you signed up. The Welcome email contains details about how to make the most of your membership.
In the first 30 days of your membership, we will be in touch by email to remind you about your membership benefits, and about your upcoming billing date. Then we continue to send regular emails about the subscription. CheckMyWeb is a member of the Return Path Certification programme. Return Path enables us to monitor our membership communications to ensure that you receive important emails concerning your membership.
In the first 30 days of your membership, we will be in touch by email to remind you about your membership benefits, and about your upcoming billing date. Then we continue to send regular emails about the subscription. CheckMyWeb is a member of the Return Path Certification programme. Return Path enables us to monitor our membership communications to ensure that you receive important emails concerning your membership.
How can I check and update my membership details?
You can view and update your membership details on the Profile page. If your email or bank account number changes, or if your credit or debit card for billing expires, please update your personal details on this page.
How can I cancel my membership?
The Member may terminate his membership at any time and without justification i) by making the request to our online Customer Service by email (customerservice@check-my-web.com) or ii) directly from his Member Account in his Member space "Profile and billing" (accessible from the "Membership" section ”) or by postal address (to CheckMyWeb, PO Box 5305, Lancing, BN11 9WD
Customer service will confirm once the subscription is cancelled. The Member who terminates his membership shall have the right to continue to effectively benefit from the Functionalities of the Service until the end of the current monthly membership period.
At the end of this period, the termination will take effect, and the Member will then no longer have access to the Service via the Site and the VPN Application.
Customer service will confirm once the subscription is cancelled. The Member who terminates his membership shall have the right to continue to effectively benefit from the Functionalities of the Service until the end of the current monthly membership period.
At the end of this period, the termination will take effect, and the Member will then no longer have access to the Service via the Site and the VPN Application.
Tell me more about CheckMyWeb
CheckMyWeb is an online service which: 1) allows Members to monitor the use of their personal and financial data in the public, dark and deep web and ii) provides Members a mobile VPN app.
What payment or billing reference will I see on my bank statement?
When CheckMyWeb bills you for your monthly membership fee, you will see the reference acct.check-my-web.com Slough
How can I contact Customer Service?
You can contact CheckMyWeb the following ways:
Email - customerservice@check-my-web.com
Post - CheckMyWeb, PO Box 5305, Lancing, BN11 9WD
Email - customerservice@check-my-web.com
Post - CheckMyWeb, PO Box 5305, Lancing, BN11 9WD
What if I have forgotten my password?
If you have lost or forgotten your password, click Forgot Password in the Sign In menu on the homepage.
Is the information I enter on the CheckMyWeb website secure?
Yes, as the site uses the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption protocol to protect the security of your personal information when you submit it to CheckMyWeb.
Which browsers are supported by CheckMyWeb?
Internet Explorer